How to Start A Business in Canada, Which Province Would be Most Favourable to You

If you are an entrepreneur and desire to fabricate Canada into the destination of your own business, you’ve arrived at the right place. Business owners that include farmers and investors who want to either initialize a business set up in Canada or buy an already existing one can actually start by permanent residence application in Canada through PNPs (Provincial Nominee Programs). A majority of provinces allow this entry of businesses owned by migrants, thereby promising economic prosperity and enhancing growth in employment. Initially, the province will ask for your business plan and ideas. If you get approved, you will have a work permit to grow your business until it meets the criteria required for you to appeal for permanent residence. Canada does not have a standardized rulebook and requirements- it varies from place to place.
- You should intend to settle in Canada, thereby owning or running a business.
- You will have to make some necessary small investments according to the rules of the particular province.
- Except for investment, you must possess a net worth of the province’s value or higher.
- You should be experienced on a prior basis in the field you’re attempting to take on.
- Sometimes, an exploratory visit is valid.
- The medical and security prerequisites, mentioned by the immigration officials, must be met and highly taken into consideration.
- Some provinces require employment for the permanent residents of the respective place initialized by creating a minimum number of jobs.

Here is a list of all the provinces of Canada and their rules, individually to Start A Business in Canada
This is where you can discover the self-employed farmer program. This is the only available program in Alberta as of now. The farmers who are interested in setting up their own farms and coming up with a business are most likely to enjoy this. The minimum net worth in Alberta is $500,000.
British Columbia:
There are three categories under this:
- Entrepreneur category – Entrepreneurs interested in setting up their own business are recommended to look at this category.
- Regional Entrepreneur Category – British Columbia is committed to promoting and igniting that flame of passion to establish companies outside Vancouver and Abbotsford vicinities. So if you are aiming to start a business, you can go ahead and initiate the company outside the Vancouver and Abbotsford areas. This section requires less capital to start since it’s encouraged by the BC.
- Strategic Project Category – You can invest in this category as well since this too requires a small capital to begin. This project is comrade if you desire to establish a branch anywhere in the British Council.
The personal minimum net worth is $600,000 for a business in British Columbia, and if you are going to invest, you will need a minimum net worth of $200,000 in your hand.
There are again three categories of setting up a business in this:
- Entrepreneur Category – If you are willing to set up an idea in Manitoba, It has a business program to do so.
- Investors Category – People who want to invest in a company are most welcomed since Manitoba has a program for investors who wish to invest in Manitoba too.
- Farmers Category – Farmers who are willing to have farmland to work on it and earn a living in Manitoba are provided with the option of farming category in Manitoba’s business program.
The minimum personal net worth to have a business in Manitoba is $500,000.
New Brunswick:
Since September of 2013, the business application stream has paused accepting applications. Therefore, no new business applicants are being accepted to New Brunswick at the moment.
Northwest Territories:
The minimum net wealth that you must possess in northwest territories is either $500,000 or $250,000. A minimum investment of $300,000 in Yellowknife and $150,000 outside Yellowknife is mandatory. However, a part of this investment can be into your primary place of residence (e.g. your house).
You need previous business experience to apply here, along with considerable wisdom and knowledge of the NWT and its economy. The government deposit is $75,000. You will need to have performance agreements, and an exploratory visit is mandatory. You will also need to have a business plan. A minimum of 33% of ownership is required for eligibility.
One can apply for a PNP in the Northwest province under the following categories:
- Entrepreneur Business Category
This is for business people of all kinds who want to initiate their own business. It is also the category for an investor looking to buy a company. This is a purely managerial post. - Self-Employed Business Category
This is for professionals who wish to begin their own businesses based on their skill set.
You do not need a minimum net worth to apply here. The minimum investment is either $3,000,000 or $1,000,000. If your investment is less than $1,000,000 in the company, you must own at least 33% of the shares. Corporations are preferred, but individuals may also apply. You should be having a business plan and previous experience in business to be eligible.
There is no special performance agreement, but you are expected to be involved heavily in the company’s day to day running. Exploratory visits are not compulsory. There is no government deposit provision.
Your business must have the potential to generate employment for at least 5 Canadians and in the Ontario government, get approval at the Deputy Minister level.
There is only one category to invest under in Ontario- Opportunities Ontario: Investors category.
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Owning property in Yukon has a few details that must be kept in mind while purchasing. The minimum net worth to be kept in mind is $250,000, of which $150,000 must be liquid, so this requires a minimum investment of $150,000 or a minimum of 33% of company assets. Apart from that, they also mandate five years of experience in the business or as an entrepreneur. A government security deposit of $75000 must be paid.
An exploratory visit would be allowed, but a business plan and a performance agreement must be drafted. Additional requirements include a Minimum Score of 56 out of 92 points on the Nominee Assessment Grid of which ten must be in Language (Level 6 IELTS or Level 4 TEF). The percentage of ownership required will be 33% or $1,000,000 Investment.
Saskatchewan( young farmer):
This plan is mostly associated with an initiative to help young farmer families start and enhance their farming practices in their respective provinces’ rural areas. When you come under this category, the minimum net worth that you can expect is 3,00,000$ on a minimum investment of 1,50,000$ that is half of the expected worth. You need to have prior experience in the farming of at least up to 3 yrs. The amount that you need to deposit to the government is around $75,000. While exploring visit is mandatory for a duration of 5 days. The additional requirement that can be taken into consideration is that you should be under 40 yrs of age to be eligible for this program.
Saskatchewan(farm owner):
This plan actually works for the farmers who have a defined amount of experience and are capitally strong enough to invest as per needs and are also capable of buying and running the farming operation in Saskatchewan. The minimum net worth that you should expect is $5,00,000.The government deposit to be paid is around $75,000. This plan has a five-day visit for exploring. The additional part that is valid is interviews based on prior experience in farming. The ownership is guaranteed wholly.
This plan is for all the entrepreneurs and business people who want to invest or initialize a business at any place in Saskatchewan. The minimum net worth that is expected is $5,00,000 on the minimum investment of $3,00,000 in Regina or Saskatoon, whereas it is $2,00,000 in other parts of the province. The education or prior experience of 3 years is required. A government deposit of $75,000 is valid. The performance agreement heavily depends on the day to day working of the company. Exploring a visit is recommended. The percentage of ownership required is 33%, and additional requirements criteria include creating employment for two Canadian citizens or permanent residents of the respective place.
Prince Edward Island:
Property here is available for either 100% ownership or partial ownership with a minimum net worth of $600,000 requiring a minimum investment of $150,000 that is equivalent to at least 33.3% ownership or $1,000,000 minimum investment that is less than 33.3%. The education is necessary for this purchase a high school diploma or higher. The government deposit required is $200,000. An exploratory visit is allowed along with a business plan. Apart from the 21-59 Age Restriction, the additional requirement is a score of 4.0 on IELTS within the last two years. However, the percentage of ownership required is 100%.