More Than 5,00,000 Jobs Remained Vacant in Canada In the First Quarter of 2019

In the first three months of 2019, the number of job vacancies in Canada has escalated drastically. The situation is quite similar to the first three months of the previous year. Among the Canadian provinces, the job vacancy is particularly high in six provinces.
In the first quarter of 2019, the job vacancy hits at 506,000. The number is bigger than the same period in the previous year. For the 10th consecutive years, year to year increase in the job vacancy rate and a number of vacancies has been noted in Canada.
According to data, nearly 80% job vacancies seek permanent candidates for fulfilling the vacant positions. Employers across the country are facing a heavy labor shortage. There are many reasons for employee shortage. Among those reasons, it is assumed that the aging population has been the greatest reason behind employee shortage.
In order to fill up the vacant positions, the Canadian government has decided to enhance immigration level to the country over the next few years. Through economic class immigration program, the immigrants will be allowed to enter the country and fill up the vacant job positions.
Rising Vacancies in Three Major States
British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec are regarded as the three major states of Canada. In all three major states, job vacancy has risen drastically. To be precise, the job vacancy rise in these states is 23% in the first quarter of the year 2019.
As per the statistics, three sectors have observed the highest growth in job vacancies. These three sectors are manufacturing, food services, and healthcare.
La Mauricie and Laurentides are the two Quebec economic regions which have now acquired the first rank and third rank respectively in terms of rising in job vacancies since 2018. In La Mauricie, job vacancy has escalated around 89% since 2018. On the other hand, job vacancy has escalated in Laurentides by 57% since 2018.
Canadian state, Ontario has observed a steep rise in vacancy since 2018. The year to year growth of vacant positions in various job sectors is 12,400. In this state, many business sectors are facing unfulfilled job positions. Some of these sectors are retail, scientific research, technical services, social assistance, healthcare, etc.
The scenario is not different in the state of British Columbia. This state has experienced a rise in the year to year job vacancy at a number of 9300. Sectors that are mostly affected by unfulfilled job positions are scientific research, technical services, warehousing, transportation, etc.
In British Columbia, the job vacancy rate in the first quarter of 2019 stands at 4.4%. According to the data, this is the highest job vacancy rate across all provinces of Canada. In fact, British Columbia is the only province, where the job vacancy rate is more than 3.1%.
Filling up Permanent Positions
For the first quarter of the year of 2019 in Canada, almost 80% of vacant jobs seek a permanent staffing solution. That means these jobs invite the candidates who can fill up the vacant positions permanently. The data looks similar to the first quarter o the year of 2018.
Now, the question is what is a permanent job? Jobs are offered by employers in different terms and conditions. Some jobs are time-based contractual. That means they come with a contract which will stay valid for a fixed period of time. These jobs can be referred to as non-permanent contractual jobs. Some jobs are permanent, as they come with long term contract with the employees. Till the retirement age, employees are contracted in such jobs.
In Canada, vacant positions are high for permanent jobs. Many industries seek to employ permanent staffs with long term business goals.
Vacancies in Major Industrial Sectors
Out of 10 major industrial sectors, job vacancy has increased in the first three months of 2018 in seven major industrial sectors. According to Statistics Canada, growth is actually driven by the increase in vacancy in the healthcare sector. Nevertheless, a sharp increase in vacancy can also be noted in scientific, professional and residential care sectors.
In the healthcare sector, vacancy jumped by 9900 in the first quarter of 2018. The large portion of increase has been noted in the nursing jobs.
In the states, like Ontario and Quebec, the vacancy was also high in the healthcare sector. The same is applicable to the states, like Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
Nearly 28% rise has been noted in job vacancies in various provinces in the field of scientific, professional and technical sector. Quick growth in payroll employment has been noted in the same sector.
Statistics Canada has reported that the average hourly wage has risen from $1.20 to $30.10 in the top 10 industrial sectors in Canada. Retail, manufacturing, food services, education, and accommodation are the fields where job vacancy is sharply increasing.