Teacher on Call Jobs in Canada

Training required for Teachers on Call in Canada
A teacher teaching on call, also known by its abbreviated form TTOC, can be best described as a substitute or casual public school teacher who teaches a variety of subjects to students studying between kindergarten and grade 12. In several provinces in Canada, being a TTOC is the first step towards getting a permanent teaching position. Often such jobs are given out to people based on the TTOC list of a district or a province. Being a TTOC enables one to experience different types of classroom environments and understand the importance of working within a fixed schedule.
Certification required for jobs as Teachers on Call Jobs in Canada
Most people working as teachers teaching on call are certified or acknowledged by the Teacher Regulation Branch of the Ministry of Education. Non-certificated people are permitted to be hired in rural districts where it is very difficult to find qualified TTOCs. In such a situation, a letter of permission, specifying the reasons behind hiring a non-certificated teacher, would be required to be produced. This letter of permission enables a person to teach for one year without having a certificate from the Teacher Regulation Branch.
Salary levels for Teachers on Call
1/189 of the category classification is the salary scale at which TTOCs are paid. The salary scale varies depending on the category at which a teacher is in. The district in which a school is in also determines the salary scale of a TTOC. In certain districts, TTOCs, who hold special responsibilities or designations such as that of a head teacher, department head, teacher coordinator or teacher in charge are entitled to receive an additional allowance for their services.
In a few districts, teachers are even paid an additional remote and rural allowance as a form of reward to them for working in remote areas where the living conditions are difficult. On an average, a sum of $2,519 per FTE is paid annually. This allowance is not provided to TTOCs.
Training required for Teachers on Call in Canada
To get teachers ready to teach in a classroom, the government organizes teacher education programs that comprise of practical experiences and theoretical coursework. Based on the program the teacher opts for, it could range from 1-2 years.