2000 more Temporary workers can Get Permanent Residency under Provincial Nominee Program Canada-Read to Know More

2000 more Temporary workers can Get Permanent Residency under Provincial Nominee Program Canada-Read to Know More
Canadian Immigration has decided to create more spaces under the Provincial Nominee Program so that they can tackle the problem of shortage of labor in Provinces. Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen announced that the 2000 spaces are for those workers who all are willing to work and integrate into the Canadian societies. Stay tuned with the article to know the criteria for 2000 more Temporary workers can Get Permanent Residency.

2000 more Temporary workers can Get Permanent Residency- Aim is to fill the Labor Shortage Gap
The foreign workers that fall under the category of National Occupation Code C that is those workers who are already present in the province and the skill level are intermediate are eligible for Additional spaces. These workers can also change their status to permanent residency.
The contribution of Foreign labor to the Economic Growth- Main Reason for the Creation of Additional 2000 spaces-
According to Minister Ahmed Hussen- 2000 spaces under the Provincial Nominee Program is just a payback for the foreign labor in return of their contribution to the Economic Growth. Selecting the Foreign Workers is all depend on the Provinces and Territories to see who fit their Labor Requirement and who don’t. The primary concern of the Provinces and Territories in selecting the Foreign workers is their intention of settling in the Province or Territory, so that along with the filling the labor gap they will also contribute to the economic development needs.
Creation of the spaces complies with Atlantic Immigration Pilot and Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot-
To increase the chances of foreign workers to get permanent residency Additional spaces under the Provincial Nominee Program works in compliance with Atlantic Immigration Pilot and Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot. All programs working together create opportunities galore for the foreign workers to work in the provinces or territories and get Permanent residency.
2000 more Temporary workers can Get Permanent Residency through the additional spaces created by Canadian Immigration under Provincial Nominee Program to cover up the Labor Shortage Gap and for Economic Development of the provinces or territories.