Increasing legal scams – Fraudulent Legal Help Harming innocent people

Increasing legal scams - Fraudulent Legal Help Harming innocent people
Legal help can be hard for people to come by as they can prove costly, depending on the case. Asking for legal help can be especially scary for people whose entire life hangs in the balance. Same is the case with immigrants and as it turns out, legal scams have popped who have been taking advantage of desperate people and their innocence.

Mitigating Circumstances- Mistrust between Public and Immigration Department to be eliminated
After the introduction of immigration reforms by the current government, there has been a period of unrest between people whose immigration status has been in question. There are operations that have been carried out by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency for arresting and detaining illegal immigrants and enforcing the immigration laws of the country. While in fear of arrest and deportation, people feel trapped and fear for their lives. Such people have been approached by fraudulent attorneys who have been promising false outcomes and duping people out of their hard-earned money.
Other events that have added to the impending immigration problems are the uncertainty that hangs over the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients and the federal enforcement of the immigration laws. People who have done nothing wrong are starting to fear about their immigration status and fraudulent attorneys have taken advantage of this fact.
What should you know to Stay clear of Scammers who live off on Immigrants nightmare
Legal help should be accessible to all. It helps you to defend yourself properly before the court of law. And with the rising cases of legal scams in California, the state bar has jumped into action by issuing an official warning to people to look out for certain red flags.
One of the foremost things people should do before employing the services of a lawyer is to do a background check. Always ask for the attorney’s bar number and do a check about the legal standing of that lawyer. Check whether the bar license number is active or not and also if the lawyer has any disciplinary issues with the State Bar Association. The organization keeps a record of every practicing attorney in the state and is the source where you should check out your lawyers’ credentials. Attorneys who deal with immigration cases must be registered with the Office of Immigration Review. The office comes under the DOJ (Department of Justice) and attorneys should be registered before appearing in the court.
One of the biggest legal scams or red flags that people should look for is a cash payment demand. Always maintain a paper trail of any payments that you make to your attorney as they can prove to be useful in the future and helps to maintain records. You are not required to make mandatory cash payments and all such demands are the ones you should take a good look at.
Always consult a registered attorney who is in good legal standing with the state bar association. Never trust such false attorneys who promise you a certain visa or offer to represent you in court. Be aware of your legal rights and seek legal help where necessary.