Some common Marriage Visa Application mistakes you should avoid

Common Immigration Mistakes while marrying a US or Canadian Citizen
People migrate to other countries in search of a better life for themselves and their families. In search of fair prospects, immigrants work in foreign countries. When settled enough, they want to bring their families together. And for that, you can sponsor your spouse, partners or children. There are certain conditions to be met but if you are eligible, you can apply on behalf of your dependents. Now, visa application process is fairly easy for Canada and people can do that by themselves. But, it is observed from the received applications that there are many mistakes made in the application. So, keep on reading as we discuss the most common mistakes you can avoid while making your visa application for your dependents. In the below section we will discuss the common Marriage Visa Application mistakes.

Outdated or Incorrect Forms being used for Marriage Based Immigration to Canada
We start with this one because it has to the mistake which is most commonly observed by the immigration department. Most often than not, people don’t realize or are not aware of what kind of forms are suitable for their case. Under this misinformation, wrong forms are filled up and sent which leads to a rejection of the case. You should always check the official websites about the newly updated forms as they are changed from time to time.
Misunderstanding Jargon for Spousal Visa Application to Canada
The terms used by the visa forms are very specific and can be very confusing or hard to understand for the general public. It is important to get a hold of as much information as you can before you fill out the forms. There are general information guides provided on the official website of the department. You should correctly understand the terms used in the application and fill forms accordingly.
Missing Documents- A common Mistake while applying for Spousal Visa Application
Your visa applications often require some other documents in addition. These documents are specific to the kind of visa you are applying for. Sometimes due to reasons unspecified, the documents supporting your application are missing. And that makes grounds for refusal of your application as they might be in doubt of the validity of your marriage. So please keep in mind to attach every document that supports the fact that your marriage with your spouse is real.
Medical Exam and Bio-metrics- not attached with Spousal Visa Application
You are generally required to go through a medical check up to prove that you have a clean bill of health. And the exams should be done by registered and recommended medical practitioners. Failing to do so can be a problem. Applications also require your fingerprints done through designated agents or local police. This should be taken care of very carefully and done correctly to avoid any glitches.
Incomplete Forms and Fraud Agents hired for Spousal Visa Application
If a question is asked of you to fill in honestly, you should not leave it blank. You should try and answer it to the best of your knowledge. Leaving the field blank makes your application illegible, incomplete and makes your case suspicious. This should be avoided at all costs. Also, you definitely might have seen people marauding themselves as “Official Agents” promising they will get your visa within no time. You should not believe them.
Just try to be careful while filling up your forms and try to do everything by the book to avoid any problems. And when you feel stuck, seek help.