The U.S Super Power-The Land Where Fear Rules The Roost
he fear psychosis works wonders, and US politicians may fully justify the stand. But, the immigrating public from other countries sadly bears the brunt of all this. All the hard and fast rules have been set down for making immigration stricter than it ever was. Fear of verbal and even physical abuse has shed away many from trying a permanent visa status in the American land.
The war with Iraq is a classic example of how the seeds of fear were planted amongst numerous foreign nationals to stay put in the confines of their homeland. But the cultural mixture of religion and tradition through education and marriage are beyond the reach of crafty businessmen and politicians. Innocent people are labeled as potential terrorist and have been subject to various injustice actions by the US government policies and stringent immigration system. And false labels are pasted to notorious acts justifying them as war on terrorists and terrorism, but can a whole country be termed as a terrorist cell, for the vile action of a few? The war on Iraq is dark with terror tales and horrifying incidents of gross human rights violation against women, who have been victimized the most.
Immigrants who have failed to get a proper permanent visa are termed as mere illegal objects, even their children are not spared. Some of those infants who have been born in American sub-continent have been refused the right to citizenship. The popular politicians also imbibe fear by making dreadful statements for more media coverage. Most commonly opposing to the changes done by the ruling government or by the opposition party. Either ways the people are subject to a new fear literally every other day.
The non-English speaking groups, people from different race and color, from economically backward countries are subjected targets by these politicians, who need a fresh topic for more publicity. Immigrants have always been an easy and gullible target audience for them. With or without documents, the supreme reason for indifference may be connected with the color, creed and nationality of the helpless immigrants. Turban clad men are eyed with suspicion, is not a bomb implanted there?
Some claim that legal immigration system has many loopholes. For example many legal immigrants may help their family enter the sanctum land through illegal means in the name of family union. Is the immigration law justified to act roughly with such loophole factors?
Those who have examined the fear side of the society may pray for their social well-being, and everyone is left guessing as to who will be the next target audience to be possibly victimized in the name of protecting borders and stopping heavy infiltration by other nationals. All hope to learn a new unique lesson from the ongoing tension and fear created by government bodies for their own selfish motives. But have we not learnt enough already? There is more than you can possibly ever chew!