Understanding Erb’s Palsy Causes Makes Your Case Easier

Common causes of ERB Palsy
Conditions like Erb’s Palsy limit a child’s capability by affecting their physical maturity and strength. Unfortunately, problems like these will linger long into a child’s life and may require treatment to not only minimize pain but help to restore as much of their capabilities as possible as a person.
As a result, it is important to know how an Erb’s Palsy lawyer may help you out in this situation. This problem should never develop if a child is delivered properly and with the right care from a medical professional who knows what they are doing. So when it does happen, a lawsuit may be required.
Most Common Causes of Erb’s Palsy
Erb’s Palsy typically occurs on the Brachial Plexus nerve on one or both shoulders on a child’s body. Without going into excessive anatomical detail, the damage typically occurs when the nerves are stretched during delivery, making them less effective. In some cases, the nerve may even be severed, a problem that can cause a wide range of issues that may be very hard for some to overcome as a child.
Understanding the underlying cause of this problem – such as where the stretching usually occurs in the body – is critical for children who may develop this health condition. In most cases, it typically occurs in one of three different ways, each of which is caused by a doctor mishandling the birth. These three causes of Erb’s Palsy include the following types of delivery complications:
- Pulling the Head Wrong – When delivering a child, in a traditional head-first delivery, the doctor needs to make sure that they don’t pull the head in any direction. Doing so will cause a strain on the nerves that may cause damage and trigger Erb’s Palsy in many young children when it occurs.
- Tugging On the Shoulders – During a traditional head-first delivery, the doctor needs to be very careful with how hard they pull on a baby. For example, if they pull too hard on a child during a traditional delivery, they may damage their shoulder nerves and cause other complications as a result.
- Improper Hand Placement – Breech delivers are always fraught with many potential complications, particularly for children whose arms are left above their head. In this situation, there is a very good chance that the pressure produced during delivery will cause Erb’s Palsy and other health issues.
If your child experiences any of these issues and you need to get compensation and justice for a medical error, contact a lawyer who can help you prepare your case. These professionals typically have years of experience with personal injury cases and understand the many types of demands that this may put on a child and their parents.
When you’re choosing a lawyer, it is important to find someone who has experience with these types of cases and an expert who understands how to gather and present information properly. Doing so will ensure that your case has the best chance of success and helps prevent any complications.