How is the Quality of Life Moving to Halifax in Canada?
If you are bored living in the same old monotonous city of Toronto and want a change in scenery, then moving to Halifax can be an inch forward towards a completely new experience.
Probably, the fastest and cheapest way to move to Halifax from Toronto is airways that would cost around $160 per head. The second alternative would be to cover 1,791 kilometres of distance between the two cities in 17 hours via a car trip. Since the journey is long and hectic, one must carefully analyze the pros and cons of living in both the cities, so that you don’t regret your decision later.
The following guide walks through some relevant arguments that favour inhabiting in Halifax. Let’s find them out.
Quality of life moving to Halifax in Canada
Halifax, the capital of Nova Scotia, is home to 390,000 people and boasts excellent history and culture. This small city has a multitude of exotic bars with music and parties floating up all night. Haligonians(natives of Halifax) are known for their welcoming and warm hospitality. Thus, one may confidently deduce that living in Halifax would be an unforgettable experience.
Also, Halifax is an education hub of post-secondary classes. The prime reason behind this fate is the presence of many exceptional educational institutions like King’s college university, Nova Scotia Technical University, etc. Thus, with more learning appetite in the city, students here are creative and instilled with entrepreneurial spirits.
Another benefit of living in Halifax is cheap housing prices. One can also easily get affordable rented accommodation here.

Job opportunities in Halifax
Halifax offers many career opportunities with competence. Some of them have been listed below:
· Accountant –approx. $46,800
· Administrative Assistant – approx. $35,000
· Office Manager –approx. $40,000
· Retail Manager – approx. $44,500
· Software developer- approx. $58,000
Moving Halifax for the Landscape
Although shifting to Halifax will reduce your average income by 15%, you can do much more with the remaining 85% than what you could do in Toronto with full income. This is because the living cost in Toronto is much higher than in Halifax. For example, the average housing price in Toronto is around $746,000, whereas it is just $300,000 in Halifax.
Halifax offers several scenic and peaceful exurban and suburban neighborhoods. Fall River, Dartmouth, Clayton Park, and Sackville are to name a few. Halifax’s urban centre has various landmarks and buildings of historical prominence. Halifax is just the right place for you if you love scenic parks, culture, and history.
Also Read- Miserable state of farm workers in Quebec , Canada
Great Quality of life with passive life style- Consider Halifax as one of the good choice to Immigrate
The very idea of settling in the serene environment of Halifax sounds magical. Right? The cost involved in moving to the new city will be covered up by the increase in life that you get. You will get a much better worth from your income and live a tranquil, passive life.
So, when are you moving to Halifax?