Firefighters and nurses most respected in Canada, politicians and salespersons the least

Firefighters and nurses most respected in Canada, politicians and salespersons the least
If you have been wondering, how you are judged by fellow Canadians with respect to your job, you now have an answer. A new poll, conducted in March this year, has revealed which profession is respected the most and the least in Canada.
More than 90% people admire nurses and firefighters according to the survey.

Up close are the doctors, scientists, teachers, engineers, farmers and veterinarians and architects, who were liked by more than 80% people in Canada.
Doctors, Nurses- amongst Most Coveted Jobs- Sales and marketing Jobs trail poorly
According to the surveyors, while people loved nurses and doctors very much, as they were the ones they came across frequently, architects and engineers were also liked by many as their work mattered in the day to day lives of the people.
Among the least liked jobs include politicians and salespersons, who are liked by less than 25 % people. This has remained unchanged for the last three years.
Surveyors attributed the poor performance of politicians and salespersons to poor trust. To be liked by more people politicians need to fulfill the promises they make. Salespersons, too, fail to keep their word, once they have closed the deal.
Lawyers, business executives, realtors and surveyors were also not liked by many, and less than 50 % people expressed their admiration for them.
Journalism Profession- One of the most liked and Paying Profession in Canada
However, journalists managed a huge leap, by jumping to 62% In 2017 from 58% in 2016. According to a senior official involved in the survey, journalists have managed to garner respect from more people in 2018 with as many as 70% people speaking highly of them. A shift in the people’s perception of media may be the cause for the growing respect for the profession, the official said.
The number of people, who liked police officers, differed greatly in different generations. While only 19% baby boomers disliked them, 23 % of generation X and as many as 1/3 rd of millennials had negative views about police officers.