Different types of Visas for Canada – Which one do you need?

There are different Categories of Visas for Canada, which one is right for you
If you are to apply for visa to travel to Canada, you have to clarify the purpose of your travel. Visas for Canada have quite a few categories and the purpose has to satisfy the category concerned.

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Various Categories of Visas for Canada
Non-immigrant visa
Allow the entry of an individual who wishes to visit Canada for the purpose of doing trade with Canadian companies, for tourism and allow other foreigners to foster scientific and international understanding. |
Controlling of entry for those who wish to involve in criminal activities in Canada or who are likely to put in danger the health and safety of the Canadian society. |
Foreign students must apply to a Canadian education institute and obtain admission in such an institute. This institute must be certified by the immigration authority for the issuance of the student authorization/visa. This is generally mentioned in the prospectus of the school. |
Once the admission is secured, the student is required to make application to the Canadian immigration office for student authorization and visa. |
The student can make this application while in Canada or outside of Canada. |
The applicant must have a job offer from a Canadian employer who is ready to sponsor him/her. |
The employer must apply to the Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) for job validation. However, there are certain cases where labor certification is not necessary such as hiring software programmers and their spouses, corporate executives, etc. |
Once the labor certification is obtained, the applicant may make an application to a Canadian immigration office for obtaining employment authorization. |
This application may be made while the applicant is in Canada or from outside Canada. |
One can seek and make an application for political asylum in Canada, if that person has well-founded fear that he /she will be prosecuted because of his / her religion, race, nationality, membership of a particular social group and political opinion and such a person cannot go back to his home country or cannot get protection from this country. |
A person may apply under this class if he/she gets married in Canada while on a temporary visa in Canada. |
Under this class the individual may have come on a visitor visa and while in Canada may have found a loved one with whom he/she wishes to get married. |