Qualified University Graduates from Leading Canadian Universities miss out Jobs for lack of Canadian Experience

Many Qualified University Grads in Edmonton are forced to work at Child Care Centers or as Gas Stations
Unemployment rate among Immigrants, even those having Qualified from Canadian Universities is about double than Canadian Born residents
Edmonton makes one of the best destinations for International Students in Canada as universities here offer wide range of study courses and have excellent faculty. Moreover Alberta offers high job opportunities to various categories of professionals and its unemployment rate is one of the lowest in Canada especially amongst newly landed immigrants.
However, lately the students graduating from universities in Edmonton are also facing the heat and are unable to get employment post their qualifying. The mistake hurdle they have been facing I the lack of Canadian Experience. Some of the students have shifted here with their families and finding it difficult to stay here as they are not able to find suitable jobs

This is despite the officially acknowledged fact that Canada’s policy makes opine that International students qualifying from Canadian Universities make better immigrants and Canada is set to increase its immigration intake quota higher for year 2017
The situation of foreign educated professionals who have moved here is even worse. Even after getting their qualifications evaluated from International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) — a government branch that assesses educational credentials and compares them to Canadian standards, have no luck in finding a suitable job.
A Good Placement Consultant can play a vital role in arranging employment to new graduates from university, who otherwise are forced to serve either as Volunteer or at Gas Stations
Most of such students and immigrants are opting to work at gas stations or as relationship managers with banks on contract basis. Many of them are opting to work as volunteers only with a hope to get some suitable employment later.
Sadly, this is despite the unanimity on fact that often the foreign born immigrants are more qualified than native ones. The data compiled by the Edmonton Community Foundation (ECF), which partnered with the Edmonton Social Planning Council for its annual Vital Signs report, shows that on average, immigrants arriving in Edmonton are more highly educated than non-immigrants.
But higher or better qualification is no guarantee for better job, especially for immigrants who face double than average rate of unemployment than Canadian-born residents. No wonder, many qualified graduates even after four years of landing in Canada were seen working in Child Care centers.
If you are an International Student at Canada, looking for Job or having landed a good job, why not share your experience with our fellow readers in comments below