3 Ways for Professionals to Get Work Visa in Singapore

When it comes to your career, International work experience is something every career-oriented person looks forward to. Not only does it look good on your CV, pulling maximum outreach, it also increases credibility, bringing a whole lot of opportunities your way. According to the Global Competitive report of 2019 which was presented by the World Economic Forum, the country which ranks number one in parameters including work ethics, Employment behaviours, firing practices, and professional behaviour, is Singapore.
Professionals to Get Work Visa in Singapore
Singapore’s recruitment insights, as well as Salary reports, state that there is a hike of 3 to 4 per cent in the salaries of employees with each financial year.
Therefore, having work experience in Singapore would be a wise choice for anyone who would want to effectively shapen their portfolios. As a much-known fact, to work in any country, you require a work Visa, and in the case of Singapore, a legal and valid work visa is a must. Generally, all work visas are to be obtained from the employer, except for PEP, i.e., (Personalized Employment Pass). Therefore, any change which occurs in your employment should be well reflected in your work visa.
The correct visa and its attainment depend on two things, your experience as well as your profile of work and otherwise. In the following article, we have extended help for professionals so that they have an effective experience while working in Singapore.
For experienced professionals, managers or executives, try for PME work Visa
The first step to apply and get this visa is to get employment in the country. Thus, when you get hired, only then will your respective employer will be able to apply for a work visa for you. At first, your qualifications and experience will be seen and then the Employment Pass will be granted.
However, the grant of the EP depends on certain criteria that you should fit in. You should be able to make a fixed salary of $4500 or above (in effect from September 1, 2020), per month. Apart from that, your skills and qualifications should be up to the mark, which includes an appropriate degree, professional skills, and specialist skills. With an applicant that has more experience, the authorities anticipate that you earn a salary that mirrors the proficiency and assets that you give to the employment firm.
To fit into the criteria to receive the S Pass, your pay scale should be or exceed a monthly sum of 2,500 dollars and your profile should show great instructive/educational capabilities.
For Gold-collar Personals and Subject-matter Experts
In case, you carry Subject-Matter proficiency, obtaining the Personalized Employment Pass (PEP) should be easier for you. The PEP does not depend on the employer and frees you from making changes every time you change your job. It lets you explore greater opportunities without its validity coming in your way. A person who holds PEP is free to stay in Singapore for up to 6 months, searching for job opportunities or change their employment if needed. The only downside is that this visa is not renewable and can only last for up to 3 years.
In order to receive a PEP, the applicant should already hold the EP or an abroad based candidate who hasn’t been jobless for over a 6 months, with a fixed yearly salary which sums up to S$144,00.
If you’re relocating to Singapore with a work Visa holder
For dependents who are planning to move to Singapore along with an existing EP holder, in that case, you would be holding a DP or Dependants Pass. This visa allows you to work in Singapore without the need for a separate EP visa. Just that, your employer would have to apply for a Letter of Consent, so that you can continue working legally in the country. Also, most importantly, the LOC application is free of any fee. But other than that if your relocation has been via the LTVP or Long Term Visit Pass, you are in need of a work visa, which again would be applied by your employer.