How Much Can a Truck Driver Earn in Canada?
Many of the foreign immigrants opt for a truck driver option to work and earn in Canada. The truck driver job enables them to roam across the Canadian provinces and earn a competitive salary.
Before selecting this option, you must be aware of all the necessary details about it.
How Can You Apply as a Truck Driver?
The Canadian trucking industry has a shortage of truck drivers. Therefore, newcomers with a clean driving record are welcomed in Canadian provinces. Also, Canada needs more immigrants to fill the shortfall with workers. Canada will need an estimated 33,000 drivers by 2020.
As a trucker, you can enjoy travelling in various cities in Canada with a good salary. However, before entering Canada, you’ll need to fulfil some visa requirements.
Though there is not any specific visa for truck drivers, you can apply through the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP).
According to TFWP, Canadian employers can hire workers from outside Canada to fill skill shortages when Canadian citizens are unavailable to do these tasks.
Types Of Truck Drivers
One can categorize the truck drivers into two broad types-
Owner- Operator
These are self-employed truck drivers who either hire or own their truck to work independently as per their schedule.
Company Drivers
Those drivers who work under trucking companies are known as company drivers. They work as per the rules and schedule of the company.
How much a Truck Driver Earn in Canada?
The job of a truck driver is not that easy as one assumes. As a truck driver, you’ll have to travel continuously from one place to another.
Moreover, you can earn a comparatively good pay if you can boldly face challenges.
In Canada, workers are paid on an hourly basis. In the year 2018, the average salary of a truck driver was recorded as $21 per hour.
According to the latest data, the median salary of a trucker in Canada is $21.67 per hour. However, it may vary in different provinces.
The Lowest wage rate is recorded in Moncton-Richibucto region of New Brunswick province, which is $11.50 per hour.
Whereas, the highest wage rate is $45 per hour at Wood Buffalo- Cold Lake region of Alberta province.
There are various job titles and work profiles in the trucking industry, namely gasoline truck operator, heavy truck driver, ready mix truck driver, long haul driver and many others. Hourly earnings can vary for different job titles and work profiles.
Ice Road Trucking
It is another aspect of the trucking industry in Canada as the ice road trucking attracts more immigrants. Due to the high rate of income and high adrenalin work activity, it is an exciting job for adventurous people.
The Takeaway
The trucking industry in Canada is still demanding skilled persons from across the world. Therefore, immigrants have the opportunities to accept the challenge of the trucking sector and to earn a robust income.