Increase your chances of Getting a Job in Canada as soon as you land in Canada

Increase your chances of Getting a Job in Canada as soon as you land in Canada
Getting a Job in Canada that matches your profile, experience and requirements definitely requires a lot of time. For some, it might take a few months and for a few people, it might take even a year. On average, it takes about four months for a person to find a job. According to a survey conducted by Workopolis, it took about 16 weeks for people to get their recent job. About 2% of the applicants are selected for an interview for the job applied. This is due to the fact that a chunk of the resumes is not read by a person! The screening is done by software and this is used by firms to filter the set of applications based on specific keywords.

So how does one Enhance their Chances of Getting a Job in Canada?
How does a person increase the ratio of application to interview? One must remember that a thank you note sent to interviewers makes a lot of difference. This is a vital step that can affect the chances of securing a job. You must thank the specific employer for meeting you and discussing the candidacy. Skipping this crucial step removes you from the savvy group of candidates. This step helps you follow-up on the job and you could highlight your skills as well. The ones who take that extra step are the ones who get the job!
How can you apply for jobs in Canada?
In order to secure a job in Canada, you must meet all the necessary requirements as per the laws. if you are a foreign national, you will require a work permit that lets you work in the country legally. Once your paperwork is in place, you can begin the job search. The best way is to start the job hunt online. This method gives you a quick and extensive insight into the various jobs available. The different job websites are Indeed, LinkedIn, Monster, Workopolis, Charity Village, Government of Canada,, and Canadian Immigrant. You could also participate in the local job fairs.
Additionally, a newcomer to Canada can avail of the free employment services offered by YMCA Canada. There will be an employment coach who will analyze your career goals, help you create your resume as well as the cover letter, and practice various interview techniques. They will also provide you details about openings and give you a few job leads. A lot of employment programs, workshops, entrepreneurship support, as well as placement opportunities are offered by YMCA Canada.
What is the Canadian-style CV?
In Canada, a CV is generally known by the term “resume”. The style of a resume in Canada is a bit different than what you would prepare in your native country. This makes it crucial for a foreign national to revamp his/her resume before beginning the job hunt. You must make sure that the resume matches the format that is used in Canada and this will definitely improve the chances of securing that job you desire.
Canada generally has two different resumes: the chronological resume and the functional resume.
Chronological: A resume that has been organized in the order of time. The various positions held by you over the years is placed in the order where your most recent job is on top, followed by the other jobs held in previous years. This resume is ideal for those having years of experience.
Functional: This resume is organized by the skills that you have acquired through your prior work experiences. This resume is ideal for students as well as recent graduates, or even for those who wish to have a career change.
Irrespective of the type of resume you opt for, there are a few tips to get you started:
- The resume must be just about a page or two.
- You need to customize your resume as per the job you apply for.
- The formatting of your resume must be very clear, legible, and consistent. You can also make use of Bullets or the point-form of writing.
- Make use of headings for experience, qualifications as well as education.
- Make use of keywords
- In Canadian resumes, headshots will not be included
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