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What makes Immigration authorities to suspect fake marriage and How to Prove Marriage is real

Marriage of Conveninence for Immigrating to Canada

Marriage of Conveninence for Immigrating to Canada

The Canadian government is committed to preventing marriage fraud, and as a result, immigration authorities in Canada are vigilant in detecting and suspecting fake marriages that are entered into solely for the purpose of obtaining immigration status. A fake marriage is a marriage that is entered into for the sole purpose of obtaining Canadian citizenship or permanent residency status.

How immigration authorities in Canada detect or suspect that a marriage is fake only for immigration.

Personal History of Couple

One of the most significant factors that immigration authorities in Canada consider when evaluating the authenticity of a marriage is the couple’s personal history. If the couple has a history of multiple marriages or if they have been married for a short period before applying for immigration, it may raise suspicions. The immigration authorities will investigate the couple’s previous marriages and the reasons for their dissolution to determine if the current marriage is genuine.

Significant Age Difference

Another factor that immigration authorities in Canada consider is the couple’s age difference. If the age difference between the couple is significant, it may raise suspicions that the marriage is fake. Immigration authorities will investigate the couple’s personal history and the reason for the age difference to determine if the marriage is genuine.

Cultural or Religious Background of Couple

Immigration authorities in Canada also look at the cultural and religious backgrounds of the couple. If the couple comes from vastly different cultural or religious backgrounds, it may raise suspicions that the marriage is fake. Immigration authorities will investigate the couple’s cultural and religious backgrounds and the reason for the marriage to determine if it is genuine.

Financial History of the Couple

Furthermore, immigration authorities in Canada may investigate the couple’s financial history to determine if the marriage is genuine. If one spouse is significantly wealthier than the other, it may raise suspicions that the marriage is fake. Immigration authorities will investigate the couple’s financial history, including their income, assets, and debts, to determine if the marriage is genuine.

Marriage of Convenience for Canadian Citizenship

Does Couple Stay together?

Another way that immigration authorities in Canada detect or suspect fake marriages is by looking at the couple’s living arrangements. If the couple does not live together or if they have separate bedrooms, it may raise suspicions that the marriage is fake. Immigration authorities may conduct a home visit to verify that the couple is living together and that the relationship is genuine.

Additionally, immigration authorities in Canada will look at the couple’s communication patterns. If the couple communicates infrequently or does not communicate in a language that they both understand, it may raise suspicions that the marriage is fake. Immigration authorities may investigate the couple’s communication patterns to determine if the marriage is genuine.

Timing of Marriage- Does it coincide too close to date Immigration application made?

Another factor that immigration authorities in Canada consider is the timing of the marriage. If the marriage occurs shortly before the applicant applies for immigration status, it may raise suspicions that the marriage is fake. Immigration authorities will investigate the timing of the marriage and the reason for the marriage to determine if it is genuine.

Replies by the Couple differ when interviewed by Immigration Authorities

Furthermore, immigration authorities in Canada may conduct interviews with the couple separately to determine if their answers are consistent. If there are inconsistencies in their responses or if they provide different answers to similar questions, it may raise suspicions that the marriage is fake. Immigration authorities may conduct additional interviews with the couple to verify the authenticity of their relationship.

In conclusion, immigration authorities in Canada are vigilant in detecting and suspecting fake marriages that are entered into solely for the purpose of obtaining immigration status. Immigration authorities look at various factors, including the couple’s personal history, age difference, cultural and religious backgrounds, financial history, living arrangements, communication patterns, timing of the marriage, and interview responses to determine if the marriage is genuine. The Canadian government is committed to preventing marriage fraud and ensuring that only genuine relationships are given immigration status.

Essentials to Prove that the Marriage is Real and not for Immigration

Proving that a marriage is genuine is an essential requirement for any immigration applicant who is applying to Canada as a spouse or common-law partner. Canada’s immigration system is designed to facilitate the reunification of families and promote genuine relationships. Therefore, applicants are required to provide sufficient evidence to demonstrate the authenticity of their marriage or relationship. In this article, we will discuss how an immigration applicant in Canada can prove that their marriage is genuine.

How to Prove Marriage for Immigration is Real

Firstly, it is essential to understand what is meant by a genuine marriage. A genuine marriage is a marriage that is entered into for the primary purpose of building a life together and not for the purpose of gaining immigration status in Canada. The Canadian government is committed to preventing marriage fraud and will scrutinize the evidence provided by applicants to ensure that the marriage is genuine.

Marriage Certificate

One of the essential documents that an immigration applicant will need to provide to prove that their marriage is genuine is a marriage certificate. A marriage certificate is a legal document that proves that the marriage took place, and it is issued by the government of the country where the marriage occurred. The marriage certificate should be an original document, and it should be translated into English or French if it is in another language.

Evidence of Co-habitation- Whether couple is taying together or separately

Apart from the marriage certificate, an immigration applicant will also need to provide evidence of cohabitation. This is evidence that the couple has lived together in a committed relationship for at least one year. The evidence of cohabitation can include joint utility bills, a lease or rental agreement in both names, joint bank accounts, joint credit card accounts, and joint income tax returns.

Photoghraphs of Marriage Ceremony

Another important piece of evidence that an immigration applicant can provide to prove that their marriage is genuine is photographs. Photographs can be a powerful tool to demonstrate that the couple has a genuine relationship. The photographs should show the couple together in various settings, such as at home, on vacation, with family and friends, and at special events. The photographs should also be accompanied by a statement from the applicant explaining the date, location, and circumstances of each photograph.

In addition to photographs, an immigration applicant can also provide letters of support from family and friends. These letters should describe the couple’s relationship and provide details about how they met, how they interact with each other, and how they have built a life together. The letters of support should be written by people who have known the couple for a significant amount of time and who can provide an objective assessment of the relationship.

Evidence of Joint Travel- Honeymoon or otherwise

Furthermore, an immigration applicant can provide evidence of joint travel. This evidence can include plane tickets, hotel reservations, and other travel-related documents that demonstrate that the couple has traveled together. This evidence can be particularly helpful if the couple has traveled to visit each other’s families in different countries.

Another way to demonstrate that a marriage is genuine is by providing evidence of joint activities. This evidence can include joint memberships to gyms or clubs, joint hobbies or interests, and joint participation in community events or volunteer activities. Joint activities demonstrate that the couple shares common interests and values and that they are committed to building a life together.

Finally, an immigration applicant can also provide evidence of joint plans for the future. This evidence can include plans to buy a home together, plans to start a family, or plans to further their education or careers. Joint plans for the future demonstrate that the couple is committed to building a life together and that they have a shared vision for their future.

In conclusion, proving that a marriage is genuine is an essential requirement for any immigration applicant who is applying to Canada as a spouse or common-law partner. The Canadian government is committed to preventing marriage fraud, and applicants are required to provide sufficient evidence to demonstrate the authenticity of their marriage or relationship. The evidence can include a marriage certificate, evidence of cohabitation, photographs, letters of support, evidence of joint travel, evidence of joint activities,


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