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Reward by US government for reporting against illegal immigrants

1. USCIS(United States Citizenship and Immigration Services).
2. US ICE(United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement)
3. US CBP(United States Customs and Border Protection).

If you have any knowledge of an employer in the US hiring any person who is a illegal immigrant, then you can simply contact the US ICE. You don’t need to give details of your identity to the US ICE.

As per the US government, the best thing is to contact the local immigration field office to report about the illegal immigrant.

How to report against illegal immigrants—-
1. Immediately call the hotline of US ICE.
2. You can also report online at the website However, you will have to pay a fee of $10 as website expenses.
3. Visit the website of ICE. You can find all Special Agent-in-Charge offices throughout the nation. Contact the nearest office.
4. If you find that your employer has filed any application for getting a green card or a US work permit for an illegal immigrant worker, then give the details of such activity immediately.

5. If you find any illegal immigrant getting food stamps or welfare stamps for US born children, then act immediately because this is a identity theft. Immediately contact either local office or headquarters of Department of Social Services of your state in the US and see where the fraud unit is located. It is here that you can file a report of the recipient’s place of work and the number of the license place of his car.

6. You need to report such illegal immigrants to the IRS for any fraud relating to tax and the income tax authorities of your state where you live.

DOJ Reward Program of the US government—-

The US government has a DOJ whistleblower reward program which has resulted in recovering of $20 billion and a total payout of $3 billion to citizens for rewarding against illegal immigrants.

As per this program, any individual reporting against illegal aliens is offered up to 30 percent of the total amount recovered from the cheating organization.

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