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Income requirement for UK spouse visa

If yes, then you must read this article to get the information in detail.

Income requirement for UK Spouse visa—For those who want to move to the UK on a UK spouse visa, having knowledge about new financial requirement such UK visa is the first and foremost step.

Aim of new UK spouse visa rules(income requirement) is to make sure that those who bring their foreign spouse(including partners and dependents) are successfully able to support them financially in the UK.

The UK government has maintained that in order to bring a foreign spouse from a non-EU nation to the UK, the concerned sponsor shall need to have a minimum annual income of 18,600 pounds.

This is the minimum income requirement for sponsoring the settlement of a partner. In addition, this income threshold will go up to 22,400 pounds if they have a child. Moreover, for bringing each additional child to the UK, the income threshold goes up by 2,400 pounds.

Other details—The UK spouse visa is granted initially for a 30 month period. However, the application for extending this UK visa for another period of 30 months can be made. Thus, it will mean a qualifying period of a total of 60 months offering an indefinite leave to stay in the UK.

Such UK visa offers to work in the UK without any restrictions.

Income requirements for curbing sham marriages–The UK government has clarified that the main aim of such UK visas is to allow the genuine applicants to the UK while curbing the fraudulent applicants from coming to the UK.

This step also aims to reduce the UK taxpayers from unnecessary burden.

It has been largely witnessed that many of the foreigners coming to the UK on UK spouse visa are unable to speak in English.

Moreover, incidents of fake or sham marriages have been on the rise in the UK in the recent times. So, the new rules of income requirements will make sure to stop all such practices.

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