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Parents get sponsored for Canada visa by their refugee children

Canadian Immigration is on to some serious thinking after more than one-thousand lone children have arrived at the border of Canada in the past four years. It is believed that corrupt visa consultants are behind all this as they may be encouraging children to make this move so that they can be used to sponsor their parents for Canadian visas after they enter the country.

Quite a few children are coming up at the Niagara Falls border crossing every week and that too without being accompanied by their parents, and they show the need for assistance from Canadian immigration. Many of these lone minor aliens have been through terrible suffering and are therefore given the permission to live in Canada.

After these minors live long enough in the country and surpass eighteen years of age, they become eligible to sponsor their parents who will then come to Canada to live with their children. Till the time these children are under sixteen years of age, children’s Aid Society takes care of them, and after this period, they become eligible to file their application for other benefits from the government like housing benefits and several others.

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