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Planning to migrate to Canada- Think Again!

In order to learn as to which is the best place to migrate, I talked with the husband of my friend. He told me that as per his experience, Canada is not a good choice to immigrate. Frank, who is an engineer from China, stated many reasons for what he said. Thus, he has decided to migrate to the United States very soon. But why was he so upset with the Canadian system?

I will just pen down the six major reasons that Frank believes makes Canada a poor immigration choice-

1. The immigration system is discriminatory and dishonest- He pointed out that although immigration to Canada is based on a point system that is obtained with your education, qualifications, and job experience, it does not provide you a proper job in you field. It does not matter if you have large numbers, at the end of the day you might well be jobless. The bottom line is that Canada needs only those immigrants who can do the labor jobs like pizza delivery, driving taxis, factory works etc. So, where do your points actually matter?

2. Very high cost of living- Everything is far too expensive in Canada, right from rent, to utility bills, to shopping, to phone, to gas, and in short every thing that is used in day to day life. New immigrants are astonished to learn the prices and they start thinking if they have made a wrong move. It is estimated that the cost of living in Canada is five times greater than that in most countries of the world.

3. Crisis in the Health care- One in four Canadians is unable to get a family doctor. Most of the Canadian doctors are moving permanently to the United States. It has been estimated by the Statistics Canada and the Canadian Medical Association that for every one American doctor that moves to Canada, 19* Canadian doctors move the United States! This happens because doctors in Canada are overworked and underpaid.

4. Sky-High taxes- Out of your hard earned salary, you have to pay a huge amount to the government in the name of Taxes. These taxes total to 15 percent of your salary. Fair enough, who cares?

5. Government is dying for money- Immigrants must bring at least $10,000 with them. Canada intakes 250,000 immigrants every year so, the government earns 2.5 billion from the immigrants.

6. No Jobs at all- Yes, every thing kept apart, this is what really blows your head. Highly qualified immigrants end up driving taxis or delivering pizzas or any other undeserving work. This is really hopeless.

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