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“Communication” The Essence of a Successful Relationship

Not all relationships are great, but the greater ones are purely based on communication which is so very important to connect. Personal relationships deteriorate when expression is barred from showing need and want. Anxiety and frustration builds up on both the sides.
Non-communication broadens the cracks and leads to up-setting situations.

The most important gesture to fill those cracks and gaps is communication; the best way to release tension is by talking it over. One must begin with lighter topics, be a patient and active listener and make your partner feel that you are interested in what they are saying. Try to understand what is being said. While communicating maintain eye contact, it displays caring and validation.

Be positive and supportive of your partner’s efforts to communicate.
Appreciation and gratitude strengthens the relationship.

By showing concern you are making your partner confident of what they are saying. Self disclosure will also help in gaining their confidence, it certainly means a lot to your partner that you are so much open and close to them and that it’s your sincere effort to start something anew. Give each other a chance to show feelings. Sharing your thoughts gets you a positive response.

It is so easy to talk and it is so uneasy not to talk. Lack of communication begins assumptions and with you begin a journey of endless dark thoughts, negative vibes are sent, the cold war begins which generally ends with” you always do that”. To avoid unnecessary confrontations its best to choose the right time and right place to talk it over. Avoid being critical when anger is at its peak. You must know your limitation with words.

“WHY” questions should be avoided .Generally its seen that you wait for your partner to break the ice try breaking the ice just once yourself and you will feel it is so much better taking the initiative than letting your partner make efforts to communicate. Try using pleasant language because you are talking to someone you like and care about and must remember that you are trying to strengthen your relationship.

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