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Are you the one who loves travel and is passionate about Aviation? Then you would love to work as a flight attendant, it is a very lucrative career option, especially in Canada!

Career as Flight attendant in Canada

Career as Flight attendant in Canada

Are you the one who loves travel and is passionate about Aviation? Then you would love to work as a flight attendant, it is a very lucrative career option, especially in Canada!

The job of a flight attendant is good for people who love to help people in need. You need to have very good customer service skills; you have to be available for work at any hour during the day and you must enjoy travel. These three things are the most important with a few other criteria that the profession demands. Take a look.

Many people wonder it is just about flying for free and getting paid too! That’s not it!

Everyone actually thinks that the job of a flight attendant is all about this. This is not the case. You do get many perks when you join an airline. But each company is different hence the benefits differ. You must ask and confirm all the benefits that are provided to you before you join.

  1. Flying for free- a great perk for working as flight attendant in Canada

You read that correctly. Many airlines do permit their employees to travel for free when they are not at work. The flight which they choose to take must have the occupancy for them. So, it’s a stand-by thing as well. This is a great perk for the employee, if you can manage well, you can visit many places in a short period. You must note that people do not get this opportunity their entire life. It demands flexibility, which is on you to decide.


  1. Airfare Discounts for your close ones

One huge benefit that is provided by many airlines is that you get great discounts on the tickets of your family and close ones. If you plan well you could travel to the most beautiful destinations with your better half at very cheap costs. What else could you ask for?

  1. Reimbursement of expenses- both food and travel related while you are at work

Per diem is the term used for covering the costs of travel-related expenses and food when the attendants are at work. Your pay is one thing and this is another for performing your job.

This is a great benefit. If you are a travel freak you can use the breaks in between flights to try the local food, new places and cover up all your costs. This amount differs based on the employers. But usually, the range is between $2.00 to $2.50 every hour. Which is way too good for all your adventures.

  1. You don’t have to pay for a hotel stay while travelling as Flight attendant

That sounds great, isn’t it? This is right but only when you are traveling for work. Even then it is a big thing, a hotel stay costs the maximum when you travel. So, to make the most of your benefits you can arrange to travel on a flight which leaves early, enjoy your stay and travel in the city and then you could take a flight back in the night. You can save on a lot of money that way.

  1. Socializing with new people- building a great network that comes handy in career growth in Canada

This is one opportunity not everyone gets. You meet new faces every day. From celebs to your favorite sportsperson. People from all castes and cultures keep traveling. Each day is a new experience for you. You get to learn so much daily.


  1. Best Retirement Plans- Yes, flight attendant Career offers one of the best retirement plan

The best plans for your retirement are planned by your employers. You could get to choose the best plans in the industry. This is one big advantage that the airlines give you. You must make use of it.

  1. You are insured against Health issues with one of the best insurance Options available in Canada

Health issues are on the rise. Health issues can burn a big hole in your pocket if you are not insured. You and your family are covered under nice insurance plans which cover quite a bit.

Also Read- Volunteering can help you settle fast in Canada

  1. Work Hours are flexible

The flights are on the move but as an attendant, you have the benefit of choosing your shifts. If you choose to keep your evenings free you can get to work in the morning and vice-versa.

The working hours are less and more flexible. The normal work hours are between 60-90 for the flight attendants.

  1. The salary package as flight attendant in Canada is Quite lucrative

The salaries for the attendants go as high as $92,000 each year. This of course depends on the amount of experience and growth that you have. The profession has high pay grades.

Check out the following points to understand how do you qualify to work as a flight attendant!


With so many benefits the job of flight attendants is very lucrative. It provides you several opportunities for development and growth which every employee demands. So, what are you waiting for? Go and get started.


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