How Does Your Social Media Profile Help You Get A Job Faster in Canada?

How Does Your Social Media Profile Help You Get A Job Faster In Canada?
If you are working, it is essential to have a LinkedIn profile. If you are an immigrant and have just settled in Canada, you will have a hard time looking for a job without your profile. It is a task to adapt to the Canadian workplace, and it takes time to get used to the work environment.
If you are just moving to Canada, or have just moved, here are a few essential things to make your LinkedIn profile up to Canadian standards.
Professional Photo: helps lot on your LinkedIn profile
Your photograph is a highly crucial part of your profile. It is your identity. Remember that LinkedIn is not an informal platform for chatting, so the type of picture you use is essential. It has to be in good lighting, good quality, professional, and it should highlight the kind of work you want to do.
Sell Yourself: Volunteer work, getting associated with Mentor helps getting Job in Canada
Your LinkedIn profile is a lot like your resume. You have to present yourself in a concise way and make it enjoyable that the person who is reading wants to know more about you. Use this platform to put forth the skills and abilities that are required for the job position you are applying for. Since you are a foreign worker, you will be a great asset. If you are new to the country and you do not have work experience in Canada, start doing volunteer work. Many companies see volunteer work experience as a plus point.
Show Off: – a clear no-no getting Job in Canada
One common mistake a lot of people make is that they just straight-up copy everything that is written on their resume. So make sure you do not do that. A resume is supposed to be short. On LinkedIn, flaunt your skills and all the work that you have done so far. Provide examples of the same.
Don’t miss to Proofread your resume before uploading or sharing with employer in Canada:
Proofreading is very important. There is no scope for any mistakes. If any errors are there, it will put off the person who is going through your profile, and they will not want to read any further. This might lead to rejection even if you have enough work experience. Avoid this carelessness.
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Keep Updating your Social Media Profile, keep sharing any updates:
When using LinkedIn to locate a job, it is critical to keep your profile up to date, but you must be cautious. When you modify your profile, every one of your connections will get an email notifying them of the change. This is useful for things like getting a promotion or getting a new certification. If you are only making minor modifications, make sure to turn off the function that alerts your network. This is something you can do in your profile settings. An essential thing to remember as a new Canadian is to be optimistic during your job hunt. Also, as an add-on to your strong job search plan before and after you arrive in Canada, consider using LinkedIn to assist you in finding work.
Not just LinkedIn, you can also find jobs through various social media platforms.
If your field is related to hairdressing, baking, home renovations, marketing, or design, posting professional material on Instagram might help you obtain a great job.
Plenty of job boards may also be found on Twitter. Type your occupation and location into the search bar to find Twitter accounts that routinely publish job vacancies. Follow these people on Twitter, and relevant employment opportunities will appear in your feed.
Facebook: Keep your profile updated and possibly public
Most recruiters use Facebook to find prospects; your privacy settings should be set to public to allow recruiters to see your profile information. Like their pages and commenting on their posts are beautiful methods to locate possible work possibilities. Some organizations publish job openings on their timelines.
Social networking may be a fun way to pass the time, but it can also help you find work. These sites will help you connect with the proper employers by using the possibilities of social media platforms for job hunting.