Your guide to Investor Program for settling in British Columbia

Your guide to Investor Program for settling in British Columbia
British Colombia has a number of factors that attract immigrants despite the high costs of living. The tolerable extremes of weather compared to other provinces in Canada plus good job prospects and more opportunities, make British Colombia a top pick for new immigrants.
- However, the immigration program in BC is a tough nut to crack. With the British Colombia PNP program, the rules have gotten tougher.
- Then again, a number of investors are tapping the BC immigrant investor program for ease of entry into the province.
- Understanding these hacks and inside details of the program will help you make a crisp application. However, the investor program is strict and proper research is needed to crack the same.
BC Investor Program – Inside Points
- In case you come with net worth that is high, you would be eligible for their Base Category Program for Entrepreneur Immigration. However, you will need to have high-level experience too.
- Then again, you will need to be directly involved in the day-to-day management responsibilities of the setup too.
- You will have to meet few requirements under different heads to become qualified. These include criteria ticking based on business, job and personal as well as investment portfolio wise.
Of Money Matters
- The net worth for obtaining a Canadian investor visa is proof that you have at least 600000 Canadian dollars in the form of bank assets, cash, property or even investments. However, specifically you have to file an investment of 20,000 dollars on the British Columbia business.
- Education wise, you will have to come with a post secondary credential as well. Over the past three years, prior to applying for BC investor visa, you will have to have complete ownership of an acceptable business and involvement in its management.
- Even if you invest in a new business or an existing one in British Columbia, you will have to entail creation of a job for a local Canadian or permanent resident.
- Again, the management involvement from your end will have to be 100 percent again.
Language Tales
One important point that most miss out when applying for the BC investor program is that you need proficiency of basic level of French or English that equals level 4 or more, on the Canadian Language Benchmark.
Of Business and Markets
- Remember to research well about the minute details involving setting up a business of relevance in British Columbia. The rules here are starkly different from the rules in the rest of Canada.
- Rummage information of prevailing labor conditions as well as the market scenario locally.
- Ensuring a sustainable business is a target authorities have set.
Summing Up
- Once your application is accepted and you receive an invitation for the investor program, you will be reviewed by the relevant authority—a firm for accounting.
- The financial review aspect is the deal breaker or maker. The chartered professionals will make the relevant comments and send you an invitation. Post this; you will be in receipt of a final report.
After this final hurdle is crossed, there remains about four months for the final submission of application.