This is The Right Time To Look Out For Jobs in Canada; Here’s Why!

Jobs in Canada
Coronavirus and the lockdown that followed this pandemic left many people jobless. Immigrants desperate to spread their wings abroad were left in the lurch as even the leading western countries like the United States, UK, and Canada have put a cap on their hiring foreign workforce. However, now that the international flights have resumed and the lockdown norms have been eased, Indian immigrants have a chance to fulfill their dreams.
And Canada seems to be just in the right phase to offer employments to talented youngsters.
Canada Reports Lowest Unemployment Rate in Last Six Years, Increase In Online Job Postings
Statistics Canada in its latest Labour Force Survey has reported that the current unemployment rate in Canada is 6.5% which is the lowest in the last six years. To top it all, the leading career site of Canada, Workopolis has lately registered an increase in online job postings. So experts believe that if anyone is looking for shift in job or is hunting for jobs in Canada this is the right time. And the conditions are expected to get better as the danger of corona recedes further.
However, it does not mean that you can get a job within a day of uploading your resume on a job portal. On an average it takes anywhere between 48 hours to 4 months for a person to get a job and this period can stretch up to even a year. The survey says that around 50% of people who got job through Workopolis said that it took them approximately 16 months to get a job of their choice in Canada. They applied for at least 10 jobs before finally getting hired.
Does Your Resume Contain Relevant Keywords? Its Very Important for Getting Jobs in Canada!
While the situation for jobs in Canada does look bright, there are a certain things that an immigrant looking for job must know. Only 2% of the resume are called for interview despite the fact that many of the profiles are just perfect for the post. Why so? It is because nowadays big corporate houses scan the resume with a software and if it does not contain the relevant keywords, the resume automatically gets rejected.
So, if you are looking for jobs in Canada, make sure that you not only have the perfect and well-written resume, right qualification and experience for the post but also that your CV includes all the relevant keywords related to your job.