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What are the Residency Requirements for Permanent Residents (PRs) for Canada?

Have you applied for a permanent resident in Canada? Do you need a Permanent Resident card to travel back to Canada? Do not be confused. To meet the Residency Requirements for Permanent Residents, you must follow certain rules, which are discussed below. 

The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada states the following elements fulfilled to acquire permanent resident in Canada-

i)  The applicant should be physically present in Canada for 730 days or (2years) of a 5-year length.

The five years are evaluated on a first come first serve basis.

ii) If you did not complete five years as a permanent resident and left Canada before completing the five years you will have to personally prove it to the IRCC that you have fulfilled the length of time as required by them.

How can you accumulate residency days in case of an extended length of time outside Canada?

Measures are taken to travel out of Canada before acquiring a permanent resident

a) Contact the IRCC about your departure out of the country and inform them about the time of return to the country.

 b)Apply for a Travel Document(Permanent resident abroad) before re-entering Canada.

The Travel Document is proof of your status when you have resided out of Canada and want to return at a later date. 

c) Do not leave the country until you have your permanent resident card.

d) A word of caution-The IRCC has discontinued the Returning Residents Permit.

Steps to take in case of rejection of permanent resident status-

i) The rejected applicant can submit a plea within 60 days of receiving the decision.

ii) The officer may reconsider your plea on human and compassionate grounds and decide finally about your Permanent resident status. 


Important to note: If you are keen to acquire Canadian Citizenship the length of time spent out of Canada is not considered. You have to spend 1095 days (3 years ) out of the five years in Canada as a legally authorized resident of Canada to apply for citizenship.

For more information and details consult the Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada official website. It offers wide information by using specific keywords related to Immigration issues and Permanent card problems.

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