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What all to do while in the Waiting Pool while Migrating to Canada?

While in the waiting list, keep a tab on the invitation for application by the authorities. Once you receive this invitation to apply, you will have three months (90 days) to submit your complete application.

Keep all documents ready

If you have all your documents ready, it would be much easier for you to complete application within 90 days.

Language tests

Check the validity of the result of your language test. The result is valid only for two years after its release date. Also, it should be valid at the time when you are applying for a permanent residence. If one applies for the permanent residence through invalid test results of the language test, his application will be rejected.

However, if the validity of the test result expires before applying, then you must:

Police certificates

It is mandatory in most of the countries for you and your family members (above 18 years of age) to have police certificates.

In some countries, it may usually take a lot of time for making police certificates. So, it is recommended that you ask for these certificates while in the waiting list so that you can complete the application process well in time, without any hassle.

Find yourself a job

You can search for jobs by signing up with ‘Job Bank’. Herein, you can easily find many employers who are in search of employees with similar skills as you possess.  For enrolling, you will require the ‘Job Seekers Validation Code’ that you must have received while submitting your profile. 

Once you finally migrate to Canada, you can continue to use Job Bank for finding your ideal jobs.

Improve the chances of conversion

While you are in the waiting pool, try and improve your chances of receiving the official invitation to apply by:

Update your profile regularly

Your profile must be updated, and all information therein should be correct. Update your resume whenever you are

At any point, if the authorities find that the information you have provided stand false, they may

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