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Parent And Grand Parent Super Visa: Eligibility, How To Apply, Extension & More

Requisites For Parent And Grandparent Supervisa

Parent and grandparent super visa is a long-term provision that offers multiple entries to grandparents as well as parents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents. It is a temporary resident permit through which grandparents and parents can stay for around two years per visit in the country. This super visa has a validity of 10 years. A parent or grandparent can also visit a Canadian citizen or permanent resident on a regular multiple-entry visa which is also valid for 10 years.  But in this case, you are allowed to stay only for six months per visit.

Eligibility For Parent And Grandparent Super Visa

Admissibility is the first criteria to become eligible for a super visa. Several factors can make you inadmissible. These include:

Some of the things that you will require for a super visa include:

For those who require a visa for entering the country as a visitor the process for getting the parent and grandparent super visa is different.

Eligibility For Parent And Grandparent Super Visa

Applying For Parent And Grandparent Super Visa

Apart from your biometrics and photographs before applying for a super visa, you will also need:

1. Letter Of Invitation

2. Income Proof Of Grandchild or Child

The income proof of grandchild or child that establishes that he is financially able to meet the requirements of his household should be submitted.  It should include:

3. Medical Insurance Payment Proof

In the case the parents and grandparents want to extend their stay they can apply for a visitor record. If they want to live permanently in Canada they should apply for a permanent resident visa after entering the country.


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