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Best States in the U.S with Maximum Job Potential

People usually believe that large states are best for making a living as it offers high paying jobs. But, what they forget to count on is the cost of living in those states. A career in the larger states such as California or New York could be paying you big money, but the living cost is very high in those states that it might leave you with little money in comparison to some of the relatively smaller states. You would be surprised to know that some of the places like Minnesota and Virginia have lower tax rates, higher job opportunities, and great potential to earn big. Here we are, trying to list out some of the best states in the U.S with the maximum job potential that you may want to consider to make a good income.

Best States in the U.S with Maximum Job Potential

The List of the Best States in the U.S with Maximum Job Potential

These are not the states that usually people consider when they plan to get a job and earn money. But these underdog places have a low unemployment rate and lower cost of living, making them great provinces for settling down. Also, there are not millions of job applicants, so you may easily get your dream job. 

Let’s look at some of the best states in the U.S that have maximum job potential. 


Minnesota is one of the best states in the U.S to settle down as it not only offers excellent jobs with good income but also has a lesser number of aspirants applying for those jobs; as a result, lower unemployment rates. Even though the state has relatively lower living costs, there is no shortage of large malls and incredible national parks to spend your time and money on weekends.   


Virginia is another state that offers satisfying jobs and income on weekdays and great leisure on weekends. Though the state is not at its best for the cost of living, you would easily get jobs here that will help you earn big.           


Probably you are making a mistake if you are not considering Iowa when you are thinking of a job. It is a great place to make a living because you don’t need to earn big here to cover your expenses. The lower cost of living would leave you with good money even when you have an average paying job.     

New Hampshire

Labeled as the granite state, New Hampshire is a great place to work if you are looking for jobs in the field of mining. The state has a booming market when it comes to well-paying jobs and has an excellent unemployment rate.   


Oklahoma is another state that you may want to consider while applying for new jobs, especially in the field of meteorology. It has great potential otherwise also as the state is known for the low cost of living and comparatively good job opportunities even if it is prone to bad weather and tornadoes.   

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