Farm Labor Shortage in Canada is Expected to Rise: An Insight

Farm Labor Shortage in Canada is Expected to Rise: An Insight
There is a significant farm labor deficit in Canada, and it is expected to go up by 2029. According to the Canadian Agriculture, Human Resource Council things are not going smooth in terms of labors in this sector. The primary Farm Labor Shortage in Canada is a worrisome state of affair and needs to be taken care of on priority. From a long time, farmers in Canada are having a tough time recruiting farm workers. It is since the jobs in the agriculture sector are highly demanding and involves manual labor, long working hours, and is a lot seasonal.
Farm Labor Shortage in Canada
Reports suggest that in the year 2017, there was a shortage of approximately 16.500 workers in Canada’s agriculture sector. It is a significant labor crunch that cost the farmers C$2.9 billion in terms of lost revenues. The alarming decline in numbers calls for immediate measures as the gap between the domestic labor pool and the labor requirements in agriculture is expected to widen in the coming years. I, in turn, will put the agricultural businesses at risk. To deal with the situation and to ensure that the falling numbers do not affect the sector’s growth potential, getting a workforce from outside the country will be a smart move.

It is possible by inviting applications for a temporary work visa in Canada to all those who are interested in working in the agriculture sector. The agriculture sector is now relying on temporary foreign labor to deal with the labor shortage as domestic workers are not able to fill the gap.
It is a golden opportunity to wish to work in this particular sector in Canada. The present agriculture sector’s job-vacancy rate has created new job opportunities for foreign workers. Studies reveal that the Canadian agriculture sector accounts for around 12 percent of the total Canadian employment. It means that one in every eight jobs is related to this sector.
Canada is considered as the world’s fifth largest agricultural goods exporter in the world. To maintain the statistics and growth rate in agriculture sector temporary work visa to those interested in working in this field seems like the perfect solution.