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Canada Study Permit Applications: The Latest Additions

Canada Study Permit Applications: The Latest Additions

Canada Study Permit Applications: The Latest Additions

Immigration authorities have recently introduced a new service standard. According to it, all those students who are interested in studying in Canada and are applying through SDS or Student Direct Stream will have their applications processed in 20 days. It sounds like good news.

According to it, “As of April 30, 2019, SDS applications are being centralized and processed by the Centralized Network, and the service standard for SDS processing is 20 calendar days.” It is mandatory that the Study Permit applications are received via electronic means. Only then there will be qualified further for SDS processing.

Canada Study Permit Applications: The Latest Additions

Latest on Canada Study Permit Applications

Are you interested in qualifying for the Student Direct Stream? Well, read on to find out how to go about it.

It is essential for the applicants to submit proof of:

Canada Study Permit Applications: The Latest Additions

In Canada, a three-step process has been established to target students internationally.

  1. First and foremost, they need to hold Study Permits while in complete time education
  2. Secondly, it is essential for them to be eligible for a post-graduation work permit
  3. Thirdly, they can use the total experience gathered for qualifying for permanent residence.

Due to this, Canada is now one of the top most destinations for students worldwide. The government realizes that students have a significant contribution to the total revenue for schools in Canada. And the most significant advantage is the fact that they tend to pay higher tuition fees in comparison to their Canadian counterparts. Studies suggest that students from almost every corner of the world are selecting some of the leading Canadian Universities.

It is a well-established fact that Canadian education turns out to be much cheaper in compassion to the U.S. Some of the best universities in Canada offer the perfect pathway to a world-class education without spending a fortune.

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