Alert- Student Visa to be canceled if found working more than 20 hours in Canada

Alert- Student Visa to be canceled if found working more than 20 hours in Canada
Many of the students go for further studies to colleges in other countries. These students along with their studies also work to pay their fees or for a living. In Canada, this is being done by many students to have a living along with their higher studies. There are some students which work in the colleges and others outside the college. The permitted working hours for student off-campus is 20 hours and if found working more than that they have to face Consequences of working more than 20 hours in Canada.

Find out the detail regarding working more than 20 hours in Canada-
Amendment under working in student visa- to Work Off-Campus one need to have Work Permit
There was an amendment made by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (Regulation) for the students who are working in the other country and came here on student visa. It has come under the ISP (International Student Program). In this program, the students who had come here under the student visa, after fulfilling certain criteria could work there.
At presents, the students have the permission to work in their campus of college without having the work permit. But the student could work in that college only where they are studying. If they want to work outside their campus then they need to apply for the work permit over there under the OCWPP (Off-Campus Work Permit Program).
Off-Campus Work Permit Program- Permits only to Work for 20 hours Off-Campus with a valid Work Permit
In OCWPP, it is mandatory to complete 6 months in the college under the full-time course from a 12-month course for getting the work permit. They could work as a full time during the breaks in the school or colleges in winter and summer, but the work should not exceed 20 hours a week during the regular school or college days.
Conditions in which students could work- To Take the Maximum Benefit from the Program-
From these conditions, only a few students could take the maximum benefit of these now. The rules have been made strict. For taking benefit from these rules it is necessary to have –
- The student should have a permit to study. As earlier the study permit is being issued easily, now it would be difficult to have the permit as those institutions who are not accredited, the students would not get the study permit over there. Mostly on the basis of non-accredited schools or colleges, students get the study permit and they start working over here. Their main purpose is to enter Canada and not for the study. This check is made to stop these kinds of activities.
- The work permit given to the students in schools or colleges is only for 20 hours a week. They could not exceed from the 20 hours.
- In case of the students in postgraduate, in their transition phase they could work as a full time, but need to apply for a work permit before the completion of their degree, if they want to work further after completion of their degree.
Aftereffects of Students Working more than 20 Hours- The Major Consequence is the Cancellation of the Visa-
In case a student is found while breaching the 20 hours limit of working then it could create various severe consequences such as –
- They would need to have the work visa properly.
- The student visa could be canceled and could be sent back to their country.
- Those students who are studying could lead to cancellation of their degree. If they are at the end or a final year then all their study and efforts they made would be a waste.
- While working to check they could ask for the student permit along with their tuition fee receipt.
Conclusion- Rules being made Stringent just to let students focus only on studies
These regulation is being made by Canada government to ensure that their international students came here for the purpose of studies only. They are ready to give these students their valued work experience which would help the students further in life. If they want to work in Canada then they could do that or can work in other countries with this valuable experience.