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Common International Auto-Shipment Mistakes to Avoid

Moving to a new country is usually an experience filled with anticipation and a few unknowns. The fact that you will be moving to a completely new set up, where you will experience a whole different culture and meet new people will spark your anticipation. On the other hand, the idea that you will have to leave behind everything that you have grown comfortable with can be sad.

What’s even worse is that you will have to cater to the logistics of moving your personal assets in this state of confusion. While it might be easy to transport your clothes and other small items across country borders, other items such as your car will call for a higher degree of attention to detail. Otherwise, you might have to come to terms with significant losses when your car arrives at your predetermined location.

Here are four mistakes to avoid when shipping your car internationally:

Placing Your Personal Belongings Inside The Car

Most shipping companies will price their services depending on the weight of your vehicle and the distance you will be shipping it. Although it might be tempting to add a suitcase or two into the car to save shipment costs, it will actually do the complete opposite. Adding personal items to the vehicle will only add the weight of the car and further increase your shipping costs.

Furthermore, most shipping companies cover damages that occur on the exterior of the vehicle which means that any damage caused by your personal items will be at your expense. Since the vehicle might need to be unlocked most of the time for inspection purposes, there is the risk that your personal items might get lost or stolen, according to the Executive Auto Shippers’ website: It is easier and safer to transport your items using alternative means.

Failing To Insure Your Vehicle

While skipping insurance might at first feel like a good strategy to cut the shipping cost, you might want to think twice about it. A lot can happen to your vehicle in transit. Although the shipping company will be held accountable for most damages, the amount that they offer to cover the damages might be too low. Furthermore, applying for extra insurance for your vehicle will add an extra layer of protection. In case the cost of insurance might seem excessive, there are a lot of ways you can use to reduce this cost.

Failing To Read the Entire Quote

Just like when reading online terms and conditions, it is common for people to skim through the quote given by their shipping company, but this has the potential to wreak havoc down the line. The quote will mainly include:

All this information is included to ensure that you are on the same page with the shipping company. In some cases, you might have issues with the delivery process, and reading the quote from end to end will help prevent any disputes.

Choosing a Shipping Company Based On Price Only

Choosing a shipping company is barely any different from choosing a plumber or electrician. While the price of their services has a pivotal role to play in your decision, it shouldn’t be the only factor you look into when making your choice. You should also look into whether the company is licensed and the history they have when it comes to shipping vehicles internationally.

In most cases, asking for references will help in giving you some peace of mind that you are working with a reputable company. In the interest of earning a customer, reputable shipping companies will almost always provide you with references. Once you have the references’ contact details, ensure that you actually contact them.


The goal of any shipment company is to have your car delivered to you safely and in a similar condition as when you offered it to them. Most of the decisions you make will have a pivotal role in the success of the shipment process. Avoid the mistakes above to enjoy driving in your new environment soon. For any Queries and more details you can refer auto insurance resource here.

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