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Immigrants applied for the status change need to worry because of the policy change by the USCIS

Immigrants applied for the status change need to worry because of the policy change by the USCIS

Immigrants applied for the status change need to worry because of the policy change by the USCIS

This is yet another change in the policy which went unnoticed from the past month which will jeopardize the stay of the immigrants who have requested for the status change or have applied for either green card or citizenship. Let’s get into the depth of the change in policy and see why Immigrants applied for the status change need to worry because of the policy change by the USCIS?

Immigrants applied for the status change need to worry because of the policy change by the USCIS

What is all the change about?

The change in policy says- there are chances of getting deport when immigrants applied for the status change or have applied either for the green card or citizenship and the petition gets denied. Previously for deportation- an immigrant must have done some illegal which is considered to be a crime in the eyes of the Homeland Security. But now just the denial of the application can result in the deportation.

The person denied have to give legal proofs stating that his or her stay in the US is valid but that too himself because they will have no right to call for a lawyer.

Under what circumstances immigrants on different visa staying in the US will face the deportation?

Let’s see this by taking the examples of the person who are going to face deportation after the denial-

  1. International student, jack on the study visa applied for the visa extension legally to the USCIS. After receiving the receipt, USCIS for further details send another receipt demanding the proof of his stay that is his address but he never receives that receipt. USCIS denied the application on the failure of getting a response. According to the change in policy he has to face deportation.
  2. Maria married a US citizen and now filed for the green card status. But unfortunately, with everything going right just before her interview she found out that she has breast cancer. Immigration officer claiming her to be a burden on the public money denied her application leading her to face deportation.
  3. Sam, whose employer sponsor for his green card, now have to get another job under a different employer. USCIS rejected the application stating the lack of the evidence from the new employer to carry forward the sponsorship. He will face deportation.
  4. Nancy on the medical visa for the treatment of her disability requested an extension as the treatment was going to take 6 months more. USCIS rejected claiming the insufficient proof by the doctors in explaining the more time is needed for the treatment. She has to now go back without getting cured.

With various things going around be it reunification of the families, banning Muslim from entering the country, denial to the asylum seeker, this system is clogging up with around 700,000 cases in the immigration courts. Now this will further lead to the backlog resulting in the explosion of the system. What will the government do when it will explode? Reverse the policies?


This is nothing but the evil policy which is set just to say no to the outsider nothing else. No criminal record, no association with illegal work is not enough to get you the green card. These policies just making it difficult to get through this excessively administered system and making it hard to rely on the immigration law.

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