A day in the life of Indian Immigrant in Canada- Read it

A typical day in life of Indian Immigrant in Canada?
Hope and Dream are two powerful possessions an individual can have. The dream to have a bigger and a better life and the hope to attain it somewhere else – conjures something really strong and brave. Indians have been immigrating to Canada for decades now and as you may learn from their experience, there are rarely any complaints. Indian immigrants in Canada have been able to form a thriving community and contributed towards the economic and social development of the Canadian society.

A day in life of Indian immigrants in Canada
Canada is one of the diverse nations in the world. Its recent liberal policies and an inclusive and pluralistic approach towards refugees and immigrants have made Canada the revered destination in the West. Canada has repeatedly said that it will welcome anyone who is eager to contribute to the economic growth of the country.
Indians and Indian-origin Canadians form 3.80% of the total Canadian population. Almost all the major cities have Indian communities which are deeply rooted in the various Indian traditions and customs. The fact that Canada is so culturally diverse makes it an ideal place for Indians to settle in.
You would see people from India, Pakistan in every city and profession in Canada
Indian immigrants in Canada can be seen in every profession. You will see them as taxi drivers, shop owners, construction workers, IT professionals, professors and teachers, farmers, members of parliament, engineers, doctors, businessmen, and any other profession that you can think of. The strength of Indians’ contribution to Canada is immense. And that may have served as a purpose for the present Trudeau administration to sworn in 4 Indian-origin ministers into the cabinet. This has certainly boosted the morals of the Indians staying in Canada.
Canada welcomes immigrants with Open Arms, making the settlement in Canada much faster
Canadians are known for their emphatic and helpful nature. So, as an Indian immigrant in Canada you will feel like a close friend amongst the Canadians, as they will welcome into their country with open arms, without you facing any kind of racism and/or hatred. That is the beauty of living in Canada
Benefits provided to the immigrants in Canada-
Social Security, healthcare, unemployment befits, subsidized education for Children- all make settlement in Canada much easier
In the recent plan of the government to take care and look after the immigrants in Canada, it has launched several programs to monitor and serve the immigrants. There are social security benefits, free or subsidized education, healthcare, unemployment benefits, etc. to serve the purpose of settling Indian immigrants.
Canada is however strict to immigrants who try to enter the country illegally. The leniency adopted to provide visas and work permits to individuals from a foreign land must prevent you to take any illegal measure to enter Canada.