Mistakes due to which may cause your Express Entry Application Rejected

Some Mistakes that can get Canada Express Entry Application Rejected
Now that the application for the Express Entry system of immigration in Canada is done online, candidates do not get any letters regarding the corrections they need to do in their application. The application will be directly cancelled in case there is any problem. So, here are some possible reasons for which may get your Canada Express Entry Application Rejected.

Have a look on these common mistakes that can get your Canada Express Entry Application Rejected
Wrong information regarding workplace in Express Entry Application
You should never enter any work experience that you had before acquiring the degree or certification that you possess at the present. Your work experience should always be listed as something related to your educational degrees or to the job offer you got in Canada. The authorities will select only that person who is fit for the job. If you do not list qualities or experiences related to the job then your application will not be accepted. So do not just fill any irrelevant work experience in your profile.
Wrong information regarding education in the Immigration Application
Most often people assume that their foreign degree is something of equal status to that of a similar Canadian degree. Do not assume this from before. Always undertake and ECA or Educational Credential Assessment from a certified organization so that the immigration officer or any employer who is interested in hiring your does not doubt your educational credentials. So don’t delay in dong an ECA because if you do not get the results in time then your Express Entry will be automatically cancelled as they will have no way to verify your foreign educational credentials.
Wrong Language test results
Always check whether the language test you are taking is the test you are supposed to take or not. Don’t end up taking the wrong language test. And never sent the test results directly to the IRCC. Get them yourself first and then send them the duplicate one although you will be asked to show the original one later on.
Wrong or Invalid job offer/ Offer from Scam Employer in Canada and same being used in Express Entry Profile
Always check whether the job offer you are submitting under the Express Entry system is eligible for it or not. Never submit any job offer that is not eligible. The job offers from certain places like an embassy, a high commission or a Canadian consulate, employers belonging to Quebec, ineligible employers under IRCC’s list or an employer who has not even completed a year of his business are considered ineligible for the Express Entry system.
And suppose you have an eligible job offer then too there is a condition. And the condition is that your employer must give Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). This report is reviewed and judged by the Employment and Social Development Canada. If after the review procedure the assessment is accepted then a particular LMIA number will be given to you which you will have to include in your application otherwise your application will be rejected.
Apart from the mentioned points, you should never give any false information regarding your age, language ability or any other particular. Falsifying your profile will lead to grave results which may ban you for 5 years from entering Canada.