Regardless of which Country are you from, there can be Serious Consequences if you Overstay Your Visit in Canada

If you Overstay Your Visit in Canada, Consequences can be grim
There are more than 200,000 people in Canada, who are living without any resident status. Whether a student, a worker, or even a visitor, many people have been found with an extended stay beyond their visa limit knowingly or unknowingly. In fact, a few individual have even spent years and have been staying in the country since their childhood. Know the consequences, if you overstay your visit in Canada.

What can be problems If you Overstay Your Visit in Canada
“Ranging from Denial of Medical treatment, Exploitation at Job, the migrants overstaying their Visas can face lots of problems”
These types of people, with no right to stay in Canada may face great deal of problems in life. They may be denied medical treatment when seriously ill. There are chances that these people might become victims of discrimination and exploitation as they are not allowed to work also in Canada. Hence, they are forced to live with poor facilities. While every child has right to education, even the ones without any resident status, yet such people do not send their kids to school as they are either afraid of the authorities or are not well informed about their rights.
These people face difficult situations during their stay, and no matter what standard of life they are living, they remain silence because of the fear of being deported from the country.
If you overstay your visit in Canada, then…..
Most of these individuals are scared to reveal their identities as they might get caught and asked to leave Canada. On the other side, people from unstable nations such as Democratic Republic of Congo, or Afghanistan, cannot be sent back to their countries because of the “Suspension of Removals to Unstable Country” rule in Canada. However, they are not allowed to either work or avail healthcare facilities due to their illegal status.
“In Some cases, Suspension of removal to unstable country does help, but you are denied of all basic rights as health care”
If these people work towards resolving their status issues, they might live in better condition than they even imagine. But, most people have no knowledge about the options available for them and they are afraid of coming out and speaking up of themselves.
Those staying beyond their Visas, Stay separately and segregated for fear of deportation
On the other hand, there are several families in Canada without any legal status, who are doing good. However, if the authorities find out about them, they may receive deportation order along with denial of entry in the country in future. That’s the reason; these people stay low and segregated.
But there are various alternatives for the people with no resident or immigration status to settle their stay issues in Canada. Various opportunities like these are mentioned below:
If you have overstayed the Visa in Canada, apply for Status Restoration
Individuals staying in Canada for 90 or lesser days after the expiration of their temporary status may request for the restoration of their status through an application. They can either apply for same status, or a different status under any other classification.
However, if they cross the 90 days set period, this option becomes invalid. And this is a stringent law in Canada. It is always recommended to leave the country after the 90 days term, otherwise there is no justification for overstay and it is considered illegal.
Overstayed Canadian Visa- Consider applying for Temporary Resident Request
One can get the temporary status in case; they have any family emergency or unavoidable circumstances where the person is required to stay in Canada for a particular period of time. This time period is for maximum of three years and the status can be renewed.
This temporary resident of Canada may apply for the Permanent Resident Status in due course.
Are you eligible to apply for Permanent Resident Permit even after having overstayed Canadian Visa
There are several categories of status in Canada that let an individual apply for the permanent residence, irrespective of their stay without any status. For example, if the spouse of a person who is staying without status, is a permanent resident of Canada, then he/she are eligible for sponsored immigration status.
For more information on various categories of resident status, please feel free to contact us or leave a comment in the space given below.