One third of the Immigrants to Canada return Home. Would Changes to Immigration Policy be able to tackle this trend?

One third of the immigrants opt to return to home country
Fast Canadian immigration authorities are getting alive to the fact that nearly 35% of the new immigrants return to their home country within few months of their immigrating to Canada.
While there is shortage of labor in certain sectors and yet immigrants are forced to return home, highlights the way new immigrants face difficulty in settling in Canada and how despite shortage of manpower in sectors, the industry in Canada is not able to absorb them.

Why Immigrants landing after long wait opt to return home? There are two more factors that would be responsible for this trend. One is that Canada attracts best of the talent in industry while the requirement is for far under qualified jobs and the immigrants landing there are far more overqualified for the jobs available and second that there are far more opportunities in developing nations for their middle class
However, Canada is facing another problem too. While the rate of students opting for higher education among the children of immigrants is 36%, less than 25 per cent of Canadians opt for higher education. Further since the immigrants are not able to get the job commensurate to their qualifications, large numbers of them opt to be entrepreneurs and contribute to providing employment to Canadians.
All segments of immigrants contribute to its economy-Canada is also aware of the fact it is not only the economically affluent immigrants contribute to its growth. Where economically affluent immigrants contribute to social growth, the refugee class too contributes to its economic uplift in various segments of the economy. In such a scenario, where an immigrant is forced to return to home country due to unemployment or other challenges in the society, it is not in long term interest of the country.
Some anticipated Changes to Canada’s immigration Program-To counter these challenges, some changes are being strongly recommended in various forums in its immigration policies; major of them as follows-
- Redesigning of the temporary worker program to make it more suitable to meet the needs of the industry while protecting Canada’s existing workforce;
- Express entry to be made more flexible and practical. Express entry to be made easier for persons already working in Canada;
- Labor Market impact assessment may be done away with for persons already employed;
- Assessment procedure for international students pursuing education in Canada be made more friendly to facilitate the express entry. In times to come, it may become far more easier for international students studying in Canada to immigrate to Canada