Canada Tuition Freeze Loopholes Hurt International Students

Canada, 8th September: Canada tuition freeze loopholes hurt international students.
Yes, that is quite true.
Canada tuition freeze loopholes hurt international students—Canada tuition freeze loopholes hurt international students. Yes, it is a truth. Last September, Alberta announced a two-year tuition freeze. This meant no tuition fee increase for post-secondary institutes until 2017 fall.
“Canada Tuition Freeze Loopholes Hurt International Students”.
The bad thing is that this freeze applies only to Canadian students. So, this means tuition for international students can go up as much as any Alberta university or college likes.
SAIT costs increasing—SAIT(Southern Alberta Institute of Technology) had announced increase of tuition fees for international students. This means the institution’s programs costs will double than last year for international students. This could mean an increase of $500 for each course.
Several Canada universities have already increased international student tuition rates. This includes University of Toronto, University of British Columbia and University of Manitoba.
Paying for Canada post-secondary education difficult—Paying for Canada post-secondary education is now becoming difficult for foreign students. Yes. It may be notable that already, international students are paying nearly twice the tuition fee being paid by Canada students.
At SAIT, international students shall be paying as much as $22,000 annually. So, the government of Canada must correct the loophole for international students.
Alarming tuition fee for international students—Tuition fees for international students in Canada is going up at alarming rates. This is affirmed by latest data for tuition fee. An average of $6,373 is being paid in tuition fee by full-time undergraduate students. International students are paying an average of $23,589.
Ontario students allegedly pay the highest tuition fee.
As per the National Chairperson of Canadian Federation of Students, Bilan Arte, the figures of latest Canada tuition hike reveal a direct reason of the federal government’s delaying investments in coming times. High tuition fee is felt by foreign students and their families.
There has been a dramatic increase of 5.6 percent in Nova Scotia. This brings average undergraduate tuition fee to $7,218.
Canadian Federation of Students has already launched a national campaign asking for elimination of Canada tuition fees.